Saturday, April 25, 2009

The Crab Mentality...

"Horatio Thelonious Ignacious Crustaceous Sebastian" better known as King Triton's right hand man... eeerr... Crab and Ariel's appointed overseer... his theory is never let children get out of hand... "give dem an inch and dey swim all over you" he says...
He tries his best to follow his King's orders and keep Ariel safe and away from everything foreign... but when all fails.. he grudgingly follows the princess on her adventures above the sea... and slowly becomes Ariel's lovable guide & wellwisher....
However not all crabs can boast of this attitude... in fact have you ever noticed crabs which have been caught and put together in a large wicker basket? Probably they all know that they are going to die... But when one of them refuses to accept his impending fate and makes an effort to get out of this deathtrap... the others carefully watch it try to escape and just at the point when it is about to scale the top, they quickly grab his last leg and pull him back in. If they cant have their freedon to live... they all have to die together!!
That my friends is called the 'crab mentality'... something I am very sorry to say that middle class bangalis excercise with utmost precision, especially at workplace...
I say 'middle class bangalis' because the SEG lower than that is too tired, fighting their odds in life to have any interest in all these issues... and the upper echelon of bangalis have their hands full with their lifes upkeeps to bother their well-coiffured heads with such petty issues...
While, the middle class snubs the ones below them and tries to ape all they can from the lives of those above them in the society...
They while away their precious time in vicious gossip... scheming... and harmful mechanisations.
I am really appalled at the current nauseating odor of crab mentality that has seeped into the corporate culture of a workplace...
Any other caste would love to have more people of the same caste working with them... (which is understandable & acceptable...) But NOT the MCBs (Middle class Bangali). They will never be happy to see someone of their caste climb the ladders and do well for themselves... NO Sir... no way!! You have to be like them... stay like them... miserably satisfied with their lot...!!!
The snickers, the looks, the whisperings, the exchange of hurried glances... the gossip mill runs over time till the object of discussion... furious, frustrated, disheartehed, demoralized decides to call it a day... then there is a sudden lull... one can almost fell touch of the mental high fives & the silent jubilations that runs through... Yess... the MCBs have done it again...
The company loses a good manpower to Crab mentality!!!
(My heart felt apologies to all my friends & some people I now who may be middle class Bangalis, but does not give in to the provocation of following this mentality.... Sorry guys.. but I think you know the point I am trying to make here.... Cheers!!!)

1 comment:

illusions said...

Hear! Hear! That's the reason why we like to work outside of Kolkata, you should also join us :-D Jokes apart that's probably what we Bangalis do the best pulling the other one down.My Kaku opines put two Bangalis together they can scheme add one more you can have a political party!