Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Just for you, My Brother dear...

Was it just yesterday, little brother?
Was it yesterday, when we were, Oh, so young?
Seems to me like a blink of an eye…
Days passed & years flew…
Seasons changed from old to new…
Falling leaves & greenish hue…
All added to the memories, which are quite a few!

The good times we had & the bad times too…
Quite a life we had, so much to do!!!
To have each other was the biggest strength…
I guess that’s what the word sibling meant.
To stand by each other, when no one would.
To care for each other, when no one could.

The biggest gift that God could give …
Is a little brother to a sister ‘s life.

There were times when you made me cry.
There were times when you made me try,
To be the best sister in the world to you…
‘cause you never let me forget things to do,
Like Rakhi, Bhaiduj & all the gigs…
Which without you, I wouldn’t give two figs.

With you around, I was never alone…
Now though, there is always the phone.

The laughter & the tears…
The hugs & the fears…
What happened to those moments?
Are they all wrapped within the silken veils of fond memories?
Or have they turned dog-eared & yellow with age…

Sometimes I wish, the time would stop,
And ask me, if I needed drop…
Back to the life, which was full & free

Today as you wait in the side wings of another threshold of life,
I wish, my prayers had wings… and that, they could fly…
So that they reached fast, the ears of the Almighty God,
Who, would shower you with blessings, success & all.

My love & blessings are all for you…
Even when I am not there, it will see you through…

My advice to you for the years to come,
I hope you take it … you will sure have fun.

You are told many things,
Some you hardly do…
Be true to yourself… it will take care of you.

Bad Habits take, but a little, to start…
Good Habits take, no time to dart.

Don’t be hasty to reach your goal…
Take your time & go for a stroll…

Don’t ever regret what couldn’t be…
Live your life as it’s meant to be…

Don’t go looking for trouble…
Else, It will burst your bubble.

Good things in life don’t come free…
So don’t forget to take advice from me!!!

1 comment:

RK said...

Tooooooooooooo the monster ad....caught in a wrong job!!!!! you should have been in journalism that too creative one!!!